With a Coach you Can Outperform You

You are more than your History

Rediscover the Guidance You Once Had: Unlock Your Full Potential


Reflect on your journey – the coaches, mentors, and guides who shaped your early years in sports, arts, and academics. They helped you uncover talents and develop skills. Yet, as life progressed, that support dwindled. You pursued education and training, but somehow, you find yourself distant from your desired destination.

It’s time to break free from this pattern. You have the potential to surpass your past achievements. While independence is admirable, if you could achieve everything on your own, wouldn’t you have done so already?

Reignite your journey with personalized guidance. Outperform your past and embrace the capability within you. Let’s embark on this transformative journey together.


Coaching helps you live up to your potential

Traditional education and training can be valuable but most people find that they need more.   Having a coach to work with you on your journey is more fulfilling and rewarding than going at it alone.

A coach can show you tools and mental models so you can shift your frame of mind and take action.  In short, so you can realize your full potential.

How my coaching services work

Coaching is a dynamic dialogue between us, an ongoing exploration of what you aim to achieve in your professional and personal life. Whether you intentionally intertwine these two aspects or seek to create more separation, our sessions adapt to your unique needs. This personalized journey is not a scripted conversation but a collaborative effort shaped by your experiences and goals.

Our coaching transcends geographical boundaries, taking place over phone calls, Skype sessions, or face-to-face meetings in Dallas. Together, we craft a tailored program, translating your objectives into tangible outcomes and a step-by-step plan for action. Sessions, typically 50 minutes, follow a rhythm of three weeks on and one week off, providing a sustainable approach to continuous improvement.

While many start with a three-month commitment, the transformative impact often extends our engagement. If unsure, explore our “Right for You” page or reach out for a complimentary discussion. Beyond individual coaching, I offer expertise in group coaching, workshops, and speaker services, contributing to holistic personal and professional growth. Let’s embark on this transformative journey, unlocking your fullest potential and reshaping what’s possible in your life.

Recognizing your uniqueness

I tailor our  coaching sessions to your unique situation and needs.  It is not canned.

What to expect

We’ll work together  to customize a program.  We’ll discuss your goals and desired outcomes of our working together.  We’ll then put a weekly step by step program together to help you commit to action and be accountable.


I can coach you over the phone or Skype.  If you are in the Dallas area I am able to meet with you face-to-face.


Sessions usually last 50 minutes and include three weeks on and one week off.   Most clients commit to a 3 month term but remain in the program longer.

Not sure if it is right for you?

Visit Right for You or simply call me for a complimentary discussion.

Additional Services

Groups – I am also available to coach groups.

Workshops and Speaker Services

Consider me to speak at your next function or group.

Workshops available include:

  • Hiring your First Employee
  • No More Drama (Shifting your Mindset)
  • Attention Management
  • High Impact/Low Cost Marketing
  • Effective Communication with Multiple Generations in Today’s Workplace
  • Strategic Planning
  • Attract Positive Attention (Public Relations)
  • How to Plan and Start a Small Business
  • Leadership Development
  • How to Give a Great Presentation